About Us

About Us



About Us!

Welcome To Being chemist

Being chemist is a Professional Chemistry , learn , experiments , Education , Jobs, Platform. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. We’re dedicated to providing you the best of Chemistry , learn , experiments , Education , Jobs,, with a focus on dependability and Chemistry , learn , experiments , Education , Jobs,. We’re working to turn our passion for Chemistry , learn , experiments , Education , Jobs, into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our Chemistry , learn , experiments , Education , Jobs, as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

I will keep posting more important posts on my Website for all of you. Please give your support and love.

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Have a nice day!


An “About Us” page in WordPress, or any site besides, is a site page that gives data about individuals or association behind the site. It commonly incorporates insights concerning the site’s central goal, the group or people included, their experience, and the reason for the site or business.


In WordPress, making an “About Us” page is direct.


Sign in to your WordPress administrator dashboard:


You’ll should be signed in with proper authorizations to make or alter pages.


Go to Pages:


In the WordPress dashboard, you can find “Pages” in the sidebar menu. Click on it to get to the Pages segment.


Add New:


You can either make another page or alter a current one. To make a new “About Us” page, click on “Add New.”


Title and Content:


Give your page a title, regularly “About Us” or “About Our Group.” Then, utilize the substance supervisor to compose the substance for the page. This is where you can give data about your association, its set of experiences, mission, values, colleagues, and whatever else you need to pass on to your site guests.




You can utilize different organizing choices to make your “About Us” page outwardly engaging. Add pictures, recordings, headers, list items, and connections depending on the situation.


Distribute or Refresh:


At the point when you’re happy with your substance, click the “Distribute” button on the off chance that it’s another page, or “Update” assuming you’re altering a current page.


Set as First Page (Discretionary):


A few sites decide to set their “About Us” page as the first page, so it’s the main thing guests see when they land on the site. You can do this by going to “Settings” > “Perusing” and choosing your “About Us” page as the first page.


Menu Route (Discretionary):


You can likewise add the “About Us” page to your site’s menu so guests can without much of a stretch track down it. Go to “Appearance” > “Menus” to add it to your site’s route.

The “About Us” page is significant for laying out trust and believability with your site’s guests. It assists them with understanding what your identity is, what you do, and why they ought to draw in with your site or business. Ensure the substance is drawing in, educational, and lines up with the objectives and marking of your site or association.


Unquestionably, let me make sense of the most common way of making an “About Us” page in WordPress in more detail:


Sign in to your WordPress administrator dashboard:


To deal with your WordPress site, you really want to sign in to the administrator region. You can regularly get to this area by adding “/wp-administrator” or “/wp-login.php” to your site’s URL (e.g., www.yourwebsite.com/wp-administrator).


Go to Pages:


In the wake of signing in, you’ll track down a sidebar menu on the left half of the WordPress dashboard. Click on “Pages.” This will take you to the Pages area, where you can oversee and make pages for your site.


Add New:


When you’re in the Pages area, you’ll see a choice at the top to “Add New.” Click on this choice to make another page, which will be your “About Us” page.


Title and Content:


In the wake of clicking “Add New,” you’ll be taken to the page proofreader. Give your page a title, for example, “About Us” or “About Our Group.” This title will show up at the highest point of your “About Us” page.


Content Proofreader:


In the substance proofreader region, you can begin composing the substance for your “About Us” page. This is where you give itemized data about your association.


Here are a typical components to include:




Start with a short presentation that depicts your site’s motivation or your association’s central goal.




Share a short history of your association, making sense of the way things were established and its excursion throughout the long term.



Mission and Values:


Portray the mission and basic beliefs of your association.




Present the key colleagues, their jobs, and a piece about their experiences.


Contact Data:


Give contact subtleties or connections to your contact page for additional requests.




You can involve the organizing choices in the substance manager to make your “About Us” page outwardly engaging. Add pictures of colleagues, recordings, headers, list items, and connections on a case by case basis to improve the introduction of your data.


Distribute or Refresh:


Whenever you’ve composed and designed your “About Us” page, click the “Distribute” button in the event that it’s another page. In the event that you’re refreshing a current page, click “Update” to save your changes.


Menu Route (Discretionary):


You can add the “About Us” page to your site’s menu so guests can without much of a stretch access it. To do this, go to “Appearance” > “Menus” in the WordPress dashboard and add the “About Us” page to your site’s route menu.

Your “About Us” page is a significant piece of your site since it assists guests with grasping your association, its main goal, and individuals behind it. Ensure the substance is drawing in, useful, and lines up with your site’s objectives and marking.

Unquestionably, we should dig into more insight regarding the organizing, distributing, setting as the first page, and adding the “About Us” page to your site’s menu:




To make your “About Us” page outwardly engaging and connecting with, you can utilize different arranging choices.


These include:




Embed pictures of your colleagues, your association’s premises, or other significant visuals to provide guests with a feeling of what your identity is.




Implant recordings that give further bits of knowledge into your association, its main goal, or maybe meets with key colleagues.




Utilize different header styles (e.g., headings, subheadings) to structure your substance and make it simpler to peruse and explore.


List items:


Utilize list items to feature key data or rundown out significant focuses in a brief way.




Remember hyperlinks to other important pages for your site, like contact data or related articles, to assist guests with investigating a greater amount of your substance.

Distribute or Refresh:


At the point when you’re happy with the substance you’ve added to your “About Us” page, you can make one of the accompanying moves:


Distribute (for new pages):


Click the “Distribute” button on the off chance that you are making a new “About Us” page. This makes the page live on your site and open to guests.


Update (for existing pages):


Click the “Update” button assuming that you are altering a current “About Us” page. This saves your progressions and updates the substance on the live page.


Set as First Page (Discretionary):


A few sites decide to include their “About Us” page as the first page, meaning it’s the main page guests see when they land on the site. This can be an essential decision to acquaint your association with guests right away.

Go to the WordPress dashboard and explore to “Settings” > “Perusing.”

In the “First page shows” segment, select the choice “A static page.”

In the “First page” drop-down menu, pick your “About Us” page from the rundown of accessible pages.

Save your changes. Presently, when guests go to your site, they will see the “About Us” page as the landing page.


Menu Route (Discretionary):


To make it simple for guests to view as your “About Us” page, you can add it to your site’s route menu.

How it’s done:

Go to the WordPress dashboard and access “Appearance” > “Menus.”

In the menu manager, you can make another menu or alter a current one.

On the left half of the menu proofreader, you’ll see a rundown of your pages. See as the “About Us” page and add it to your menu by really taking a look at the container close to it and clicking “Add to Menu.”

You can then organize the place of the “About Us” page in the menu and modify its mark.

Save the menu, and your “About Us” page will currently be available through the site’s route menu, making it simple for guests to find and investigate.

By carrying out these designing choices, distributing or refreshing your “About Us” page, possibly setting it as the first page, and adding it to your site’s menu, you can upgrade the perceivability and convenience of this pivotal page, which is fundamental for building trust and believability with your site’s guests. It furnishes them with important bits of knowledge into your association’s character and reason.



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